The Four Paths of Soulful Living and Grieving


The four paths of Resource, Release, Renewal and Return are a map of discovery through the body, heart, mind and soul that guide us through an evolutionary experience of becoming.  From a resourced perspective, we bring awareness to the dark and difficult parts of our lives and our beliefs that stir in the face of transition and loss.  Feeling our authentic emotions and allowing our grief to move opens us to the creative potential of transformation and the unimagined, inextinguishable spark of possibility. In turn, cultivating resilience so that we may be in greater service to ourselves, others and to the collective as a whole.  

Through the portals of awe, wonder, thresholds, challenge, heartbreak, loss, growth and evolution, we cycle through this spiraling map over and over again throughout our lives.  These paths bring awareness to our present experience, while guiding us through the dark forest of the unknown, opening to the light, and illuminating our ever-evolving path of meaning and service in the world.   At any given time, we have the opportunity to locate ourselves within this spiraling map, turning toward that which sustains us, discovering what we need to keep moving through challenge, and cultivating a deepening connection with our inherent creativity and trust in our Self, in relationship with other and our relationship with Divine. 

Path of Resource

Connection - Connecting with and embodying that which gives us sustenance, support, unconditional love and strength, and inspires wonder; resource that is cultivated from our inner reservoir of resilience as well as that which we gather from our environment, relationships, spiritual realms and the natural world.

Path of Release

Grief/Bereavement/Letting Go/Authentic Expression – Recognizing our shadow, or hidden parts of ourselves that are difficult to see, and expressing uncomfortable emotions. Honoring, witnessing, and acknowledging the truth of our feelings with the understanding and embodied experience of their natural tendency toward moving through, emptying and releasing – in our own time and own way. 

Path of Renewal

Creative Inspiration/Transformation/Rebirth – Following the movement of dark and difficult emotion and energy, we encounter spaciousness available and open ourselves to be guided by inspiration, curiosity, intuition and creative energies.  In this way, we invite the potential for being filled, renewed and reborn.  We are divinized in previously unimaginable ways – embracing the creativity born in the dark, and embodying the wings of our awakening soul self.

Path of Return

Stepping into Service – With enlivened energy awakened from our authentic experience, we often discover gratitude born out of grief - light coming through the cracks of a shattered heart.  We find ways of integrating and committing to that which has been discovered, and sharing our stones of wisdom gathered along the path - in service to our selves, others, and the collective – our awakened Genius/Seasoned Self returns home to share the gifts.

* These paths are deeply inspired by the wisdom of Matthew Fox and the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality.